Saint Joseph's College of Maine
Standish, Maine
You can change careers and become a BSN-prepared nurse in 15 months (4 semesters) with Saint Joseph’s College of Maine’s (SJC) Hybrid Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing (ABSN). This program is uniquely designed for students with a non-nursing bachelor’s degree—no nursing experience is required.
Admission Requirements
- Bachelor’s degree in any field
- 3.0 Minimum cumulative GPA
(Science courses must be completed within 10 years.) - Official Transcripts
- 3 Letters of Recommendation
- Personal Essay
- Completion of Prerequisites:
- Introduction to Psychology (C or better)
- Microbiology with in person lab (C or better)
- Anatomy & Physiology I & II with in person lab (C or better)
- Chemistry or Gen Chem or Organic Chem with in person lab (C or better)
- Nutrition (C+ or better)
- Statistics (C or better)
Just a few advantages of this unique program include:
- Coursework is 100% online (synchronous and asynchronous) in addition to direct patient care clinical hours.
- Two on-campus immersions include hands-on skills training, plus high- and low-fidelity simulations in the brand-new Center for Nursing Innovation.
- Our BSN graduates demonstrate their readiness with exemplary first-time NCLEX-RN passing rates of over 90%.
Check to see if you are eligible for this program and request a guide containing information about tuition, program curriculum, and the application process.